Jeff and the Gilded Vagina

Once upon a time, Jeff was sitting in his hyper-realistic house, jerking off to some tentacle porn before the doorbell rang. "Who the FUCK is it?" Jeff said, notting getting to finish his hyper-realistic masturbation session. He zipped up his hyper-realistic pants and stood up, walking over to the hyper-realistic door.
It wuz teh sleandur mayn!
"Jeff, urgent business has come up. Can I come in to talk?" Slenderman said, his voice ringing with an urgent, hyper-realistic tone. "Lol, no. Fak u." Jeff said, closing the door and going back to his computer. He opened up another hyper-realistic tab, going to NormalPornforNormalPeople.cum. Jeff's favorite site for the slutiest, hardcore, hyper-realistic porn on the web. As he was jerking his tiny, white, hyper-realistic dick to a hyper-realistic woman getting beaten by a hyper-realistic monkey, Smile Dog walked up beside Jeff.
"Bruh, it's like, time for me to poop. Or eat. Or other dog things. So like, help me out here bruh." Smile said, keeping his poker face as Jeff made a hyper-realistic sigh. "Just go poop in the garbage can. All we have in there is shit anyways." Smile Dog nodded and walked over to the garbage can, starting to take a dump all over the Hyper-Realistic OCs that were in it.
Smile Dog took a long ass, good hard, Hyper-Realistic, piss for good measure, and then poured some napalm on the garbage can to top it off. Walking back into Jeff's room, he talked to his hyper-realistic master. "Jeff. Why is the title of this TrollPasta called Jeff and the Gilded Vagina? I mean, there's been no vaginas in this story at all yet." Jeff snorted and looked to the hyper-realistic dog. "SMILE. YA LITTLE SHIT. THAT'S THE FOURTH WALL YOU'VE BROKEN THIS WEEK."
Meanwhile, outside the house...
"I'm still here." Slenderman said.